It is just like the problems you have as an individual. You may have problems such as depression, anxiety, and anger, and you try to just fix them with some emotional support, or you do not really think their is a way to fix them at all. The world is like an individual on a grand scale. Society is like a mass ego made for self preservation. But we need to recognize the shield and the weapons we raise against one another when we perceive an attack.
Our shield is made out of the loneliness and fear the mind perceives in this world. It is right to be afraid, because it is not real and deep down it knows it. But it also has a hard time realizing that it is creating the loneliness and fear, not the world. It has a hard time realizing it is the problem, and all it can see when imagining its non-existence, is a dark abyss. It creates everything and tricks you into keeping it in control, and it tricks everyone else around you in the process. Everyone is just tricking each other. But if you step outside of the problem, then you are no longer contributing to the problems in the world. You are the ultimate humanitarian, philanthropist or peacemaker. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
There really is a way out of this hell we have created for ourselves and each other. It is a hard way out as I am finding out, but it must be taken.
Again I agree. I cannot find anything to disagree with any of your statements. We ourselves are the only one to really fear because we ourselves create fear in our own minds. Most of the times we fear what we do not know. It only takes a little more attention and interest to understand others. There's so much we need to learn from each other.