Sunday, October 11, 2009

You Have No Control

We are at the complete mercy of life itself. It knows how to create hunger within us so that we may sustain ourselves, how to create desire so that we may reproduce, how to create fear so that we may protect ourselves. Our environment is constantly changing. Today it was raining and it was cold, so I had to bring a long an umbrella. The coldness made me want to have a hot drink. So I stopped at a coffee shop and got a hot chocolate. Stopping for hot chocolate made me bump into a friend, and bumping into a friend determined that I would not go home for another hour. Things are always happening that determine how things will turn out. You know some days will be rainy, but not all days, because it is improbable. Everything physical is constantly changing, and the present moment is constantly being recreated. That means that the past is constantly dying to create the present. Everything material is constantly changing, and to let it change, something has to die. Dying is only the process by which life changes into something new. But we hold onto our forms and try to control them. Because we try to control them we do not realize they are uncontrollable, and become perpetually dead, holding on to the material past that has already died. We do not live with the stream of change. We are nothing more than constant change. An immortal spirit, a nothingness at one with the change and also witness to it. At least that is how we should live. Instead we deny that is how it is, which is silly because it is like denying we have an arm or a nose. But humans work in silly ways, while God works in mysterious ones that can never be known, just surrendered to.


  1. There is the minds will and God/lifes will, and the funny thing is the mind cannot really do anything except think it is doing something, but that is enough to separate you from God/life, so all it can really do is steal your life. Now if you make your minds will and God/lifes will one thing you got it all.

  2. The tripartite nature of man created in God's image allows him to overcome the problems of this world. Christ showed us how. Yes he was fully human, but his death and resurrection gave us power through him to become the sons of God. The Holy Spirit transforms the children of God who are really saved and born again of spirit. The god of this world has no power over Christian unless they permit him. The Word of God is truth and wisdom and with the Word we can defeat sickness, poverty, and spiritual death. My research is on the ORIGIN of man. Join my blog and share your thoughts (
