Sunday, December 30, 2012

Everything You Need

You have everything you need at all times. Even when you die, it is what you need at that moment. Your body can no longer be the vessel for your consciousness, because it has become to sick or damaged. The amazing thing is, that you have everything you need while you are alive at all times. You are on a planet that gives you everything you need; air, water, food, etc. Some people do not have water or food, but that is because people do not recognize they need to share what they have. But the earth gives us what we need; the air never just turns of, does it? It is a beautiful thing, that we are beings on this earth that just gives itself to us. But we need to learn how to only take what we need, or else it will have to destroy us just like our immune system destroys bacteria to protect itself.
There are many people that hoard things and do not share. That is because evolution programmed us for survival, and people are still programmed to acquire enough material goods for survival. Now that we have enough, our programming still pushes us to acquire more and more and gives us a false sense of security. We do not take a moment to realize how perfectly secure we really are, just being given air at all times. Nature gave birth to us, made us the way we are. We are patterned after God/Life's design. Everything is the way it is or else it would fall apart and we are a part of everything, so we can know that we are part of the order of things. Knowing that is security, like the air that we breathe. Nothing can be created outside of what is, so we are a part of God. There is nothing to fear, God is with you all the time, everywhere. 
Is the action of nature not unlike drawing a bow?
What is higher is pulled down, and what is lower is raised up;
What is taller is shortened, and what is thinner is broadened;
Nature's motion decreases those who have more than they need
And increases those who need more than they have.

It is not so with Man.
Man decreases those who need more than they have
And increases those who have more than they need.

To give away what you do not need is to follow the Way.
So the sage gives without expectation,
Accomplishes without claiming credit,And has no desire for ostentation.
-The Tao Te Ching

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