Thursday, December 20, 2012

How Strange it is To Be Anything At All

It is pretty incredible to be alive. It is pretty incredible that there is an earth in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe. Why is it there? This is a question that the mind asks to get itself oriented and to feel comfortable, but there is no reason. It is just in our mind's nature to try and make sense of everything and categorize everything. Also we want to know how big the universe is, or whether it ends. Ending is actually impossible, because if there is a border then there has to be something beyond a border, it is just impossible for there not to be. Actually everything takes on the shape of the nature of the universe; circles. Planets are round. You cannot say where they begin and where they end, you would just keep walking around them unless gravity somehow stopped and you drifted away. Many things in nature are circles; the center of a flower, hurricanes and other spirals, eyes, our circulatory system, nests, oranges, tomatoes, apples, galaxies, cycles of the season and the tides, the cycle of life. The circle is the representation of infinity. Emerson said, "our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens". You can never know why nature is the way it is, or comprehend infinity, life is a mystery to our minds. But to our soul it is eternal knowledge that it has always known, an always will know. So do not think about it but just live in it, life in the center of the circle and watch it all spin around you. 


  1. Hello Adriene,
    Thank you for your inspiring blog. May the Lightsongs in your heart never cease!

  2. Thankyou for sharing Adrienne. It is appreciated. I hope you put up some more in the future.

    God bless
