Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Conceptualizations and other forms of mind categorization are like barriers against reality, or life. They are especially strong in spiritual or religious groups. It is quite obvious what happens with religious groups, they just box themselves in and shut out the daylight, but I think what happens with more new age or spiritual groups is more subtle. People acquire emotional associations to things, that formulate a picture in their heads about they way things are. Emotions create such strong impressions in people, that these impressions will keep being projected on reality over and over again. What happens with spiritual groups, is that they emotionally attach to an ideal, like the compassion of Buddha and the glorious pictures of him with light shining all around his head and lotuses blooming all around his feet. It is a powerful image of glory to the point where we perceive it as other worldly and feel it is some unattainable height that we mere humans cannot achieve. It is the same thing with westerners being so attracted to the east, especially India and all its gurus. The east is actually the most beguiling of all, especially because it has so much truth wrapped up in illusion. Westerners go there and experience a complete difference in environment; from living in a mundane and organized world almost like a scientific lab, to a random and colorful setting with a guru that is talking about otherworldly experiences. It is beautiful and intriguing, and people have strong emotional reactions to the ideas of inner peace, joy, ecstacy, understanding, heightened consciousness and enlightenment and these things become a magical picture that they get a mind-high off of imagining. Also, there is the idea that the East possesses ancient wisdom that is shrouded in mystery, but that we have to recover. This just gives power to the imagination, and another mind-high, when the truth is there all the time there is no reason to look to the past. The reality is, that the truth is almost boring. The mind and the imagination and all of its conceptualizations are powerful energy, that are barriers to life. The truth is cold and has no power. It just is the way it is, it is as cold and realistic as it can get. That is why the truth is so hard to find, because we only know energy, and we don't know that nothingness exists because we are constantly feeding our energy. Actually the less conceptualizations you have, the more boring the truth is, because passion and interest come from emotion and other ideas. But the truth is necessary, because the reality is that it is the only thing that can change the world for good. It is almost like the scientific homework you have to do for earth-school.

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