I am rather tired tonight so I thought I would talk about something simple. Simplicity is the key to spiritual seeking. The less you have materially the less time your mind will spend occupied and distracted. Having a lot leads to worry over money or even more overindulgence. This triggers the ego's sense of self importance in having more than other people, and then you start playing a mind game that is difficult to break out of. Actually attachment to anything, such as emotional attachment to friends and lovers, knowledge, and thoughts threatens peace of mind. So the goal is to become more and more simple; with every material object you give away your house will become lighter and more spacious, and with every attachment or thought you clear out of your head the more open you become to all of life. In other words, your soul is nothingness that holds everything. You must become nothing to have everything.
If you are on a sinking raft, you will save your life by throwing heavy things overboard. Letting go of mental attachments is the same thing, it is the difference between true life and death. Jesus said, "let the dead bury the dead". The dead are buried under all of their dirt.
Freedom is having nothing left to lose.
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